Cybersecurity Services

Cybersecurity Services

Advanced cybersecurity defense for modern businesses

Protect what is most valuable to your business - your data and your customers' trust. Our cybersecurity services offer a robust defense against digital threats in an increasingly interconnected world.

Network and Data Center Perimeter Security

Our network edge and data center perimeter security service provide comprehensive, layered protection to secure systems. Using advanced firewalls, intrusion detection, continuous monitoring, and threat prevention mechanisms, this service protects both inbound and outbound network traffic as well as critical data center systems.

This security approach aims to prevent, detect, and respond to potential threats, keeping the integrity and confidentiality of data and maintaining the continuous availability of services.

Network Security Policy Management

Firewall policies are crucial for maintaining network security, making sure that only authorized traffic is allowed and blocking potential threats or unauthorized access.

These policies are typically set according to the organization's security needs, setting rules that determine how inbound and outbound traffic is handled, what services or applications are accessible, who can access them, and in what manner.

Risk-based Vulnerability Management

Risk-based vulnerability management is a strategic approach that identifies, prioritizes, and manages potential threats based on risk assessment.

It involves identifying vulnerabilities in systems, applications, and networks, classifying them according to their severity and likelihood of exploitation. Based on this risk analysis, the service focuses on remedying the most critical and impactful vulnerabilities, thereby efficiently reducing exposure to potential security threats.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

EDR is a security service focused on the detection, investigation, and response to threats on endpoint devices within a network.

It monitors and analyzes endpoint behavior in real time, identifying suspicious or malicious activities, allowing for immediate responses to potential security incidents, helping to contain and neutralize threats on devices.

Extended Detection and Response

XDR goes beyond EDR by integrating data from multiple security sources (such as endpoints, networks, emails, cloud, etc.) to provide a broader, more contextual view of potential threats.

It unifies the detection, investigation, and response to security incidents across various environments, allowing for more comprehensive analysis and facilitating the correlation of events for more effective detection of cybersecurity threats.

MDR: Managed Detection and Response

MDR is a variant of EDR or XDR involving the outsourcing of threat management and response on endpoints and the network to a security service provider.

With MDR, a specialized team monitors, analyzes, and responds to incidents on endpoint devices, relieving the workload of internal security teams and providing a higher level of protection for network endpoints.

Web Application Firewall

A security service designed to protect web applications from a variety of threats. It acts as a barrier between users and the web server, monitoring and filtering all HTTP/HTTPS traffic.

The WAF analyzes requests and responses from the web application for suspicious patterns or malicious behaviors, blocking attack attempts before they reach the application. This helps protect web applications, maintaining the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of data transmitted and processed by the application.

Application Delivery

This service aims to enhance the user experience through a set of technologies, so that applications are delivered efficiently, reliably, and securely, regardless of the geographical location of users.

It includes load balancing to distribute traffic among servers, application acceleration to improve performance, traffic management, data encryption, and network optimization.

Application Security

It refers to a set of practices, technologies, and processes implemented to protect applications against threats and vulnerabilities. This service aims to protect all stages of the application development lifecycle, from conception to deployment and ongoing maintenance.

Application security is designed to protect against cyber threats and preserve the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and operations of applications.

DLP: Data Loss Prevention

DLP monitors and tracks data movement to prevent its unauthorized exposure. It identifies and classifies sensitive information, such as personal data, financial information, or intellectual property, applying policies to restrict or prevent its transfer outside the corporate network, whether by email, storage devices, instant messaging, or other forms of sharing. The goal is to uphold compliance with regulations, minimize accidental or intentional leaks, and protect the organization's critical assets.

Email and Web Security

Email and web security services aim to actively protect users and systems from potential threats encountered through these communication channels.

These services are designed to reduce the risk of cyberattacks, protect the integrity of systems, data, and users, and make way for a safer and more reliable communication and browsing environment.

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

These services guarantee that only authorized individuals have access to appropriate resources and operate within the limits defined by the organization's security policies. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access and reinforces compliance with security and privacy regulations.

IAM defines and manages the identities existing in the system.

Privileged Access Management (PAM)

In cloud, on-premises, or hybrid environments, this service aims to prevent cyberattacks by protecting passwords, endpoints, and controlling access to applications.

It is designed to protect critical resources and sensitive data by closely managing and monitoring the access of privileged users to mitigate internal and external threats and strengthen the security of systems and sensitive information of the organization.

PAM monitors the use of privileged credentials.

Public and Private Cloud Security

Aims to protect data, applications, and resources stored and processed in public, private, or hybrid cloud environments.

Both cloud environments face unique security challenges, but effective protection requires the implementation of comprehensive security measures to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and applications, regardless of the adopted model.

Information Security Maturity Management

Through a corporate and digital risk assessment program, we deliver a series of management, legal, and technological consultancy services that elevate the maturity level of the environment required by current legislation and according to the best practices of the information security market.

With the increasing complexity of digital threats, our consultancy in information security maturity management in the realms of people, processes, and technology offers a clear and effective roadmap to enhance your protection.

Choose 2R Datatel for unmatched security partnership

Committed to providing cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions, 2R Datatel is the ally your company needs to navigate safely in the digital world. Contact us today and take the first step toward a secure and prosperous digital future.